
Gautier Dhordain
Full stack developer


I am a seasoned full stack developer who worked in various environments, from early stage startups to big corporations, with B2B & B2C business, on-site & remote. I held several positions, always in development.
What do I like the most? To bring value to people using the product I am working on.
What I am looking for? To help companies to deliver better user experiences whether with mobile or server side applications.

Work Experience

Remote, Ronchin, France
March 2022 – Present
Tech lead
ADEO is the European DIY leader and the 3rd largest DIY market player in the world. Its 1000 shops are located in 20 countries serving 500 millions inhabitants and professionals.
I am the tech lead of a team dedicated to mobile applications used by employees in the stores. We build & run flutter mobile app, android app and their backends for our users located in 7 countries. I like empowering coworkers to deliver reliable applications: UX, quality, performance, ...
  • Mobile: Flutter, Riverpod, UX, Fastlane, Android
  • Backend: Kotlin, Spring, Reactor
  • Data: MongoDB
  • CI: Github Actions
  • Deployment: Kubernetes, Turbine
MooM Planet
Remote, Roubaix, France
November 2020 – December 2021
Senior full stack developer
MooM is a platform dedicated to ease circular economy: give a second life to your goods, find a repair or collection service.
I worked on all the layers: mainly on the mobile app, secondarily on the backend & search capabilities. Flutter discovery was a blast!
  • Mobile: Flutter, BLoC pattern, UX, Fastlane
  • Backend: Java, Spring, Reactor
  • Data: Postgres, Elasticsearch
  • Auth: OIDC, Hydra
  • Deployment: Kubernetes
Auchan Retail France
Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
November 2018 – October 2020
Tech lead
Auchan.fr is a French multinational retail group's ecommerce website. I was the tech lead of a team focused on the search feature then joined as the tech lead of another team focused on the customer (authentication, privacy, loyalty, ...) & GDPR technical point of contact. We built & ran several backend & frontend microservices, hosted on GKE. I enjoyed being a bridge between teams, with transversal missions.
  • Backend: Java, Spring, Reactor
  • Data: Postgres, Elasticsearch
  • Auth: OIDC, Keycloak
  • Deployment: Kubernetes
Axon Insight AG
Remote, Luzern, Switzerland
September 2015 – October 2018
Senior backend developer
Axon Insight AG offers a business network intelligence solution as SaaS or on premise. We worked in a multi-cultural European remote team, with direct relation with an offshore team based in Vietnam. I worked on the network batch processing and on the full-text search capabilities of the solution. I had the opportunity to go to Vietnam twice to organize a hackathon with our Vietnamese coworkers.
  • Backend: Java, Spring
  • Data: Postgres, Elasticsearch, Neo4J, Cassandra
  • Processing: Spring batch, Spark, Python
  • Auth: OIDC, Keycloak
Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
July 2013 – September 2015
Lead developer
Nuukik offers a recommendation engine SaaS. We worked in close colaboration with the CTO to build and run a successful product from an early prototype. I helped the team to grow, from size and maturity perspective. I also wrote plugins for major ecommerce platforms (Magento, Prestashop, Demandware, ...) to ease customer onboarding.
  • Backend: Java, Spring
  • Data: Postgres, Elasticsearch
  • Processing: Kettle, Hadoop
  • Auth: Spring Security
3 Suisses
Croix, France
November 2011 – June 2013
SOA developer
I worked on Oracle Service Bus to allow the company exogenous systems to talk to each others. I also took part of the team responsible of a custom OSB monitoring tool to increase the visibility and trust of the service.
  • Backend: Java, Spring
  • Data: Oracle
  • Processing: OSB
Atos Wordline
Noyelles-les-Seclin, France
February 2008 – October 2011
Junior backend developer
For a European freight exchange, I was part of the backend team. My primary role was to work on the scalability of the platform. I was heavily involved in the data layer to increase query responsiveness and pertinence.
  • Backend: Java
  • Data: MySql
  • Processing: ODI


  • 2021

    Etablissement français du sang

    Blood donor diploma - Gold insigna (more than 100)


Town council of Bachy
December 2022 – Present
Deputy mayor
In a city of 1800 inhabitants, involved in cultural topics. I am responsible of the town library and the relation with the federation of municipalities library network "Graines de Culture(s)".
Town council of Bachy
March 2020 – December 2022
Town councillor
In a city of 1800 inhabitants, involved in cultural topics
Ch'ti JUG
April 2011 – Present
Organisation support
Ch'ti JUG is a Java User Group based in Lille, north of France.
We host one session per month, 70 to 200 attendees, with 3000 members.


677 route nationale
Bachy, Nord 59830 FR
+33 (0)6 86 72 07 74


  • 2003 2007

    Ecole des Mines de Douai

    Engineering degree

    Software Engineering


Code quality
Clean code TDD
Flutter UX Fastlane
Spring Reactor
Data storage
Postgres Elasticsearch
Soft skills
Autonomy Mentoring Versatility Kindness


Manga Science-fiction Heroic fantasy
Track driving
Boardgames CRPG Hack'n'Slash